To resolve reconciliation exceptions, accounting often sends emails to the service team, but the communication is disconnected from the excepted transaction(s). Comulate’s embedded email experience bridges exceptions and the associated communication, making email coordination and follow up faster and more organized.
Comulate now enables accounting to email the service team directly from an exception in Triage. When the service team replies to an exception, Comulate shows replies on the transaction, removing the need to search through external email threads. Follow-ups can be sent directly from the Triage thread, keeping communication connected to their workflows.
Thread history is visible to everyone with Triage access, eliminating the guesswork about the latest status of a particular exception—even when someone’s on vacation. Collaborative commenting and tags within an email thread drive clear coordination on status updates and follow-up requests.
Comulate’s Microsoft app, which can be approved by IT within minutes, enables users to send emails from their actual agency email addresses, as if they had sent them directly from Outlook. If the Microsoft app is not enabled, recipients will see the sender’s name but a email alias. Comulate’s Microsoft app’s limited permissions only allow for Comulate to send email on behalf of authenticated users, but has no further scope to view their mailbox or emails.
Drafting an email and adding the transaction and policy details can take several minutes. Email templates enable organizations to create logic-driven messages that are prefilled based on the selected transaction and policy details within Triage. Templates can be tailored to address common exceptions and customized to fit agency-specific terminology to drive further efficiency and consistency.
Embedded emailing in Triage, coupled with purpose-built Background Reconciliation, streamlines exception handling, further eliminating accounting headache for large brokers.